Are You Ready to Pivot Your Life in 2022?
Happy New Year!
Can you believe we’re already 3 weeks into 2022? Crazy how fast it can go by.
We’ve been through some bumpy times the past couple of years and there’s been a lot of confusion about what is happening in the world. Truth is, confusion, for some of us, can stop us dead in our tracks from accomplishing our goals. Let’s change that this year.
What you focus on will consume the majority of your thoughts and feelings.

Better to think about what we can do, instead of things we have no control over.
This is also a great time of year to review what you planned to get done in 2021 and figure out where and what you fell short on and can improve, and also celebrate any wins you’ve had, even if they seemed small. Reviewing where you failed is crucial to forgiveness and to adjust your course. Should You Set New Year’s Resolutions?
In my experience New Year’s Resolutions seldom work. It’s more important to start on any day to make a small change that could grow into long term successes. Take the pressure off. New Year’s resolutions can put too much pressure on us and usually end crashing and burning because we did too much all at once.
Try this instead: Incorporate an Attitude of Gratitude!
To reprogram the subconscious mind for success, it is important to acknowledge even the simplest accomplishments. By doing so and being grateful, you’re sending a powerful message to the subconscious mind that these accomplishments are a good thing and worthy of repeating and expanding.
It is important to set goals and intentions, but don’t overdo it!
When your subconscious mind is in alignment with your goals, you are completely unstoppable. There is no limit to what you can do. Your subconscious mind will expand your experience in the direction of your celebrations and wins. You Will Get More of Whatever You Think About - Rewire Your Brain
Observe when you are judging yourself or saying unkind things to yourself because you failed. This will never work. Judging comes from the EGO mind or personality self and your thoughts, no matter if they’re supportive or not are instructions to your subconscious.
For example, maybe you are still trying to be healthy and drop 10 or 20 pounds?
Are you calling yourself stupid, undisciplined or any other negative description? Are you beating yourself up because your pants are too tight for overindulging during the holidays?
Are you berating yourself because your clothes are too tight from overindulging?
None of this matters, because today is all there is.
Try this instead:
Think about all the fun and good food, family, friends you spent time with. Or recall all the sweet, thoughtful gifts you received, even the smallest thing. Have gratitude for any opportunity you had to share a kindness. Give thanks and be grateful for the beautiful times…discard completely any dramas and smile for all the goodness, regardless of how seemingly unimportant it may seem.
Set your intention today to be healthy, to adjust some of your behaviors, taking one baby step at a time. Love yourself daily. Take a moment to breathe and recognize what a beautiful being you are.
Small Wins Add Up!
For example, if you make it to the gym today or even a walk around the block, smile and give thanks for the opportunity to get out and move your body, even if it’s in some small way.
These little wins and gratitude will begin to magnify in your subconscious. Your subconscious will register these small positive steps as good. You may be surprised to discover that taking that walk or hitting the gym tomorrow becomes easier.
By being loving and kind to yourself, no matter what, activates levels of your consciousness that will truly make it easy for you.
If you could some help to get on the right track, let's talk. Hypnotherapy is a powerful and easy way to rewire your brain for success.
LET's Talk....sometimes you just need someone to talk to.
With Love, Colleen 702.922.7015