Hypnosis - What it Is, What it Is Not
Hypnosis is a wonderful state of mind we float in and out of all day long. It is the peaceful state of slower brainwaves we pass into and...
Hypnosis Can Help You Relax and De-Stress From the Holidays
Have you recovered from the Thanksgiving Holiday? It can be a lot of fun to see family and friends, eat, drink and travel, but let’s face...
Laughter is the Best Medicine
"Laughter is the best medicine" -- who doesn't know this popular adage? Laughter is not a cure for cancer or other degenerative diseases,...
Couples Retreat to Rejuvenate Your Relationship
The Art of Relationships is partnering with Hot Yoga Bliss to bring you an event that will create the connection in your relationship...
You Can Relax Your Way to Happiness!
Learning to relax and quiet the mind can lead to states of happiness and bliss. The stress of day to day life, all the things we have on...
Are You in a Rut?
Do you ever feel like you're in a rut? I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel less than great. Low, grouchy, fed-up, and bored are...
Smile: You're Feel Better!
Did you know that when you smile, it sends powerful messages to your brain and the brain then releases powerful biochemicals that...